Passive Income Doctor

Interview with Anu (Locum Doctor Australia)

Dr Dan Season 1 Episode 18

Today, we interview Dr Anurag Ganugapati, an Emergency doctor based in Victoria, and founder of app StatDoctor. We discuss his journey into medicine, what experiences he has had in New Zealand and Australia. From Otago University, to busy ED departments in Victoria, to locum life.
We also talk about his money backstory, and investing philosophy.
Finally, Dr Anu shares his tips for medical students and junior doctors in regards to medical career, and how to earn 3-4 times more with locuming.

Dr Anu:

Video version of interview:
How locum doctor beat burnout

Side hustles as a doctor (Revisited)
Doctor and Entrepreneur Tom Lee (Hopmedic founder)

Music Credit: Bass Nation.
New episode every fortnight.
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