Passive Income Doctor
Join Dr Dan, an Australian doctor who is on a mission to improve financial health for doctors and healthcare professionals. Interviewing money experts, doctors turned entrepreneurs, and documenting his own journey to passive income.
Passive Income Doctor
Tips on Perth investing (David Hall interview Part 2)
We are back for part 2 interview with Perth buyers agent David Hall.
•dark side of rental growth
• horror story about self-managing a property
• more strategies (e.g. combining duplex lots)
• tips for negotiating with a seller
• how a junior doctor bought their first property for 740k, with development potential.
Why is Australia Suffering From a Rental Shortage? 2023 (buyersagencyco.com.au)
Contact David at: Contact Buyers Agency Co Perth | Property Buying Specialists
Buying my first property at 23 years old
Music Credit: Bass Nation.
New episode every fortnight.
Send in your questions to: passiveincomedoctors[AT]gmail.com
If you are a doctor or dentist interested in property investing Australia, join my community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/315108673770810
Follow me on Instagram for first peek at new content, and my day-to-day life. Dr Dan (@passiveincomedoctors) • Instagram photos and videos