Passive Income Doctor
Join Dr Dan, an Australian doctor who is on a mission to improve financial health for doctors and healthcare professionals. Interviewing money experts, doctors turned entrepreneurs, and documenting his own journey to passive income.
Passive Income Doctor
Income protection Explained (chat with advisor Jason Hugo)
Personal insurances often something put in the 'too hard' basket, but to kick of the new year- good time to reflect and review. In this episode with Bluerock insurance advisor Jason Hugo, we explore:
• when should you consider getting insurance (tip: easier to get when younger/healthier)
•differences with income protection, TPD, trauma insurances
• level vs stepped premiums, breakeven points
•insurance changes since October 2021
•agreed value vs indemnity value
•cancer diagnoses being common event for claims
•case studies
•is there such a thing as over-insurance?
Other resources/links:
Entrepreneurial Professional Services Firm | BlueRock
Doctors and SMSF (chat with Bluerock advisor Nadine)
Music Credit: Bass Nation.
New episode every fortnight.
Send in your questions to: passiveincomedoctors[AT]
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