Passive Income Doctor

Income protection Explained (chat with advisor Jason Hugo)

Dr Dan

Personal insurances often something put in the 'too hard' basket, but to kick of the new year- good time to reflect and review. In this episode with Bluerock insurance advisor Jason Hugo, we explore:

 • when should you consider getting insurance (tip: easier to get when younger/healthier)
 •differences with income protection, TPD, trauma insurances
 • level vs stepped premiums, breakeven points
 •insurance changes since October 2021
 •agreed value vs indemnity value
 •cancer diagnoses being common event for claims
 •case studies
 •is there such a thing as over-insurance?

Other resources/links:
Entrepreneurial Professional Services Firm | BlueRock
Doctors and SMSF (chat with Bluerock advisor Nadine)

Music Credit: Bass Nation.
New episode every fortnight.
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