Passive Income Doctor

Why Doctors don't get Wealthy

Dr Dan

WARNING: Controversial topic. But you may be a doctor wondering why you just can't get ahead.  High single or dual incomes but high expenses:  mortgage, insurance, CPD and registration, private school fees for kids, new care, a couple of holidays here and there- it all adds up! Not to mention medical school HECS debt. ...and most doctors don't earn high incomes until their 30s (or even later once achieved Fellowship), compared to other professions who have had a head start earning and investing in their 20s.

In this episode (revisted), I explore why some doctors are not as financially well off. Then I explore the opposite: how doctors CAN get wealthy.

Other links/episodes:
Passive Income with 2.5Million dollar portfolio (Dr JL part1)
Buying my first property at 23 years old

Music Credit: Bass Nation.
New episode every fortnight.
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