Passive Income Doctor

7 Side Hustle ideas for doctor (Locum Australia)

Dr Dan Season 1 Episode 7

What side hustles can doctors do? In this episode, we talk about locuming, consulting, teaching,  alternate roles, medicolegal writing, and so much more.  What are the pros and cons of locum life? Who is locum life not suited for?
I then discuss some tips for locum doctors, before sharing Mindset Minute of the day.

Other resources:
Medrecruit | The pros and cons of working as a locum doctor (
The 17 Best Side Hustles for Doctors: Money Making Physician Side Gigs (
Locum doctor roles (Interview with agent Max Drakeley)
Interview with Anu (Locum Doctor Australia)

Music Credit: Bass Nation.
New episode every fortnight.
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