Passive Income Doctor

Property Investing for Doctors

Dr Dan Season 1 Episode 10

Why is Australian real estate so attractive for many? What are the pros and cons for doctors looking at property investing?
We talk about unique advantage for doctors in regards to LMI. We also explore Land to Asset ratio, and illustrate this with a case study.
We also talk about the 3 steps how beginners can get started in property investing.

Other resources:
Why higher Land-to-Asset Ratio means a better investment for you - Lend Power
Home Loans For Medical Professionals (
Cashed-up foreign buyers still seek Australian property, but are they really to blame for price rises? - ABC News
Why Doctors don't get Wealthy
Buying my first property at 23 years old

Music credit: Bass nation

Music Credit: Bass Nation.
New episode every fortnight.
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